Naked Biotics have developed a daily probiotic shot that, from as little as 80p per day, replenishes the good bacteria in your gut, restoring the balance and helping you reconnect your body with its natural immunity. Many of their customers talk about it helping with conditions they’ve lived with for years, from skin conditions to fatigue. Restore your inner glow with your daily dose of life. Naked Biotics uses a long-researched fermenting process to develop twelve strains of bacteria, each of which is scientifically proven to alleviate specific conditions. Important to consider is that their bacteria are grown to thrive at temperatures around body temperature. Also, they are given 18-21 days to develop. This is critical because the bacteria strengthen and learn to exist together. The reason this is important is because, to be most effective, bacteria has to stay alive, thrive and multiply when it enters your gut, surviving stomach acid along the way. The NB fermentation primes them to do just that.