TriEnza is a combination of enzymes for multiple digestive intolerances.
TriEnza supports digestion for the 3 main types of foods: proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
But TriEnza goes beyond the basics and provides digestive support in all these areas:
TriEnza was reformulated in 2019 to bring you better support for digesting a wide range of foods.
The changes made to TriEnza should result in a product better able to:
TriEnza is available in capsules, chewables, or powder.
AFP Peptizyde is a blend of protease enzymes that break down only proteins, including gluten and dairy casein.
Zyme Prime™ helps some with proteins (but not a GFCF alternative). Tends to firm stools when used alone.
Zyme Prime is available in capsules.
ZyCarb helps with the foods previously mentioned for both Zyme Prime and No-Fenol, and also some for fats and proteins (not a GFCF diet alternative). If you want something more stool-firming, try Zyme Prime instead of ZyCarb.
Xylanase is the major component of No-Fenol, and is an enzyme used to breakdown the structural components of plant cell walls, which are primarily complex carbohydrates.
All plants contain some degree of polyphenolic compounds, with brightly coloured fruits and vegetables at the higher range.
The research literature indicates that some phenolic compounds are modified by the addition of carbohydrate groups to their structures, which may inhibit their crossing into cells and being metabolized. The current hypothesis for why
No-Fenol may help is through the ability of the enzymes in this product to remove the carbohydrate groups from the polyphenols, thus allowing normal processing by the detoxification pathways.
There is no evidence that No-Fenol directly modifies polyphenolic structures. The success of No-Fenol in allowing phenolic foods back into the diet may result in a re-evaluation of the basis of the polyphenol “problem”. The polyphenols are not destroyed, but proper assimilation of phenols is supported.
Lypazyme is a combination of 3 different lipase enzymes. Lypazyme is unique in the use of multiple forms of lipase to ensure complete breakdown of the triglyceride fats found in foods and many supplements.
Lypazyme may help with the gas and bloating from high-fat meals and supplements (such as fish oil), or after gall bladder removal.
Biomuve® is a blend of xylanase enzyme, probiotic bacteria, and prebiotic botanicals that promote regularity and healthy gut bacteria.
Biomuve contains Actazin®, an extract from kiwi fruit which is a natural source of prebiotics, fibre, and enzymes. Actazin may also nurture the probiotic bacteria provided by Biomuve.
Biomuve includes DE111®, a probiotic blend of Bacillus subtilis, which may help support regularity in the digestive tract.
Xylanase is added to Biomuve as an enzyme that can break down hemicellulose to release nutrients from foods with a high fibre content. Xylanase can also help soften stools as it breaks down soluble fibre in vegetables, grains, and legumes.
If you are unsure as to which enzyme product is needed, use a broad spectrum enzyme product such as Zyme Prime or TriEnza.
Adjusting to Zyme Prime is not difficult. Zyme Prime is mild and low in proteases (protein-digesting enzymes). Zyme Prime should not cause discomfort and is a good starter product for the sensitive gut.
If desired results are not observed using Zyme Prime, either increase the dose, add another product (AFP Peptizyde or No-Fenol) or switch to TriEnza.
TriEnza contains multiple types of enzymes for proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and polyphenolic foods. TriEnza is higher in proteases than Zyme Prime.
TriEnza has DPP IV activity and, like AFP Peptizyde, may be an alternative to the gluten-free, casein-free (GFCF) diet.
With thanks to Houston Enzymes for this comprehensive guide.
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